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Everything posted by zombiecarl

  1. English Version

    Hello! Some news of my test : for the moment I'm on Virgo and there's exactly 0 bug due to the english original game :yeah: So I will continue and let you know if something like a bug script happend
  2. J'allais signaler exactement le même bug^^Bon bin merci pour la solution
  3. English Version

    I just test the beginning of the quest (the secret library of vivec and for the moment there's no problem but thing that afraid me the most is the stargate I use the hotdoguiser that's why it is working for the moment but as you said the script won't work with the location
  4. English Version

    Tonight I want to test the mod with the English version of morrowind. I will let you know if it works but I'm sure that it won't
  5. English Version

    An english translation will be a good thing because some gamers have the english version of morrowind so with the translation they would be able to play the beautiful mod (thanks for creating and developping this mod )
  6. Dernière Ligne Droite

    Enfin!!!! Merci a toi Confridin et merci à tous!!! Téléchargement en cours!^^
  7. Dernière Ligne Droite

    Effectivement Alleluia!depuis le temps qu'on attend ce mod (au bas mot 3-4 ans ) enfin! Merci à toute l'équipe et surtout à Confindin qui a bossé jusqu'à presque minuit pour éradiquer le pire ennemi du moddeur^^ Il faudrai déclarer ce jour fête nationale